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Friday, February 26, 2010

Going Digital

The days of disposable cameras on each table are long gone. Now the ideal way to capture candids your guests take is to set up a digital docking area so your guests can upload all their pics onto your computer before they leave. Then after you get home from your honeymoon sort through all the pics and make a digital photo album that you can send to everyone as a thank you for taking your candids! The best of all worlds!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Frame a Face Photo

(Photo by Bec from Carson Hall Photography.  Picture of sister of Fiona, the other half  of Carson Hall

This creative use a an empty frame offers a unique take on the usual wedding photos.  If you're having an outdoor wedding, look around for a convenient tree, find a good size frame, add some pretty ribbon to tie it to the branch, and you're good to go!  If you have a vintage wedding look for a vintage frame.

Welcome to Wedding Pics to Die For

I hope you'll enjoy seeing the creativity shown on the following pages by a variety of photographers for their brides and grooms.